In order to reduce the number of restrictions on access to play in the playground, several critical issues need to be analyzed and corrected. It's worth getting to know them!


Extra gaps

Each of the devices installed on the playground has recommended by the manufacturer security zone. The dimensions of the security zone depend on the type of device and whether it static or not.


In the playground, which is supposed to be accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities, additional spaces should be provided to leave a wheelchair, walker or rollator outside the safety zone, so that they do not endanger other participants in the game and are not left on the lines. communication.

It is adviced that when the devices require the removal of a person from a wheelchair, the caregiver must carry the person in their arms to put them on the device so he will try to drive as close to the device as possible and will certainly need a place to leave the stroller and his personal belongings in close proximity.



The topic would seem obvious, but still not defined enough. In a playground that meets the needs of people with disabilities and non-disabled people, the surface must take into account both mobility problems and safety, as well as the information and communication function for the people with vision disorders.

Whether the user will be able to enter the playground at all depends on the surface, it’s quality and width.

Pavements must be of an appropriate width - more on this subject is worth checking in the accessibility standards developed for specific cities.

In terms of texture and color, surfaces can additionally serve as information (grouping devices functionally or in zones) and communication (especially for visually impaired people - lines leading in a logical way through subsequent zones, warnings against danger, end of zone, end of the playground).


Unfortunately, a common mistake is the installation of devices that allow a person to use a wheelchair, on a loose surface (sand, aggregate) or on grass, thus preventing access!


Zone logic

Connecting activities into one zone in the playground has many advantages. It organizes the playground space and gives logical organization for the zones for ex. of active play, noise/silence, progress, difficulties gradation, sensory zone, nature zone and space dedicated for certain age of children.

Thanks to such organization, it is possible to reconcile the needs of many groups, giving the possibility to choose the best, depending on the needs and mood. Children in need of activity, movement, will choose a zone with mobile devices, where usually a lot is going on and there is noise. Autistic people or children who give up this type of activity will feel better in a quiet zone equipped with sensory devices. Parents or guardians, also those who may have mobility limitations, will find themselves in the shaded rest area, which, however, ensures good visibility and the possibility of observing children while playing.


Various levels of difficulty

The installation of devices and the organization of space in a way that allows the choice of the difficulty of play gives space for use by children of different ages and with different levels of physical and intellectual fitness. Therefore, it is worth choosing devices that will be easy to use and more difficult.

The playground equipment, which is accessible, cannot be intended only for non-disabled persons or only for disabled persons. This is a very common mistake made by designers who want to design an accessible device on the playground and choose one that is intended only for people with disabilities. It is worth remembering that very often people with disabilities are not able to use such a device on their own, and the manufacturer does not provide the possibility of helping each other and having fun together because there is not enough space of lack of access from outside of the device.

In this way, we multiply the problem because, apart from excluding people with disabilities, also people without disabilities, who should not be allowed access to devices not intended for them, are also excluded. In practice, no one is able to monitor and enforce it. So, unfortunately, there are accidents at playgrounds.

Oragnised zones of play next to foundation in  Lasowice Wielkie, Poland.


Children come to the playground primarily to play. Regardless of your fitness level, it's still the same. Hiding the rehabilitation function in devices must therefore be skillful so that it does not involve too much difficulty and monotony.