Playgrounds and outdoor gyms dedicated to seniors, i.e. senior playgrounds or activity zones for seniors, are more and more often created in urban space, but also at care centers, sanatoriums and seniors' homes. They are equipped with devices adapted to perform rehabilitation exercises and to maintain physical activity and social contacts of seniors.


Sometimes playgrounds for seniors are created as an activity zone dedicated only to the elderly, but also as a part / zone of a larger, intergenerational playground.

Some seniors are physically fit and will use the devices as a prophylaxis and the possibility of maintaining physical activity, but some face disability, resulting in moving in a wheelchair, walking frame or on crutches. One should also not forget about the role of a guardian in the case of a dependent person who also wants to be able to interact with the charge in such a recreation area and help in using the devices.

source: Pro-Inclusionsschaukel


Społeczeństwo się starzeje

Starzejące się społeczeństwo to fakt. Osób powyżej 65 roku życia będzie przybywać. Zgodnie z danymi Eurostat, w 2019 r. ponad jedna piąta (20,3 %) ludności UE-27 miała co najmniej 65 lat. Przewiduje się, że odsetek osób w wieku 80 lat lub starszych w stosunku do liczby ludności UE-27 wzrośnie w okresie od 2019 do 2100 r. dwa i pół raza, z 5,8 % do 14,6 % (Źródło: Eurostat).

Oznacza to, że będzie wzrastało zapotrzebowanie na strefy aktywności seniorów, którzy jak najdłużej chcą zachować sprawność, aktywność i samodzielność.



What forms of rehabilitation are possible on the playground?



Movement therapy achieved by performing specific exercises. Especially recommended in the case of past injuries and as a prophylaxis. It supports circulation, develops muscles and helps to maintain proper activity. It should be remembered to design the equipment of the active senior zone in a way that allows you to perform exercises with different levels of fitness, so that people with different physical conditions are able to find the possibility of exercising in a manner adapted to their health condition.


Neurological rehabilitation

Neurological rehabilitation in the playground means the improvement of cognitive processes, as well as prevention and support against dementia. It is also improving the coordination of movements and the possibility of rehabilitation, e.g. after a stroke or in the case of multiple sclerosis. The use of devices with different levels of difficulty allows you to adapt to the health condition of the student / ward.


A sense of inclusion in society

Otherwise, social rehabilitation. Active spending of time in urban space is an opportunity for meetings and social contacts, motivation to establish interactions and meet new people.



Where should playgrounds for seniors be built?

Looking at statistics in the context of aging populations and the requirement of inclusiveness, playgrounds for seniors should be created primarily in urban space as generally accessible facilities relatively close to the places of residence of seniors. In addition, they should be located as so-called special activity zones at nursing homes, sanatoriums and seniors' homes as a space for outdoor rehabilitation. This form of spending time will not only be attractive for the patients, but also more convenient for therapists who can provide therapy outside the traditional rehabilitation room.


materials: Pro-Inklusiosschaukel


What is inclusiveness ?

It is openness that takes into account the experiences and needs of various minorities, including people with disabilities ­. It is about creating conditions and opportunities for everyone to participate, regardless of their level of fitness, belief or gender. The opposite of inclusiveness is exclusion, which is the case in most playgrounds today.

Inclusiveness is:

  • savings - one set of devices is installed for everyone
  • meeting the requirements of universal design and accessibility standards
  • the opportunity to play for children who have not yet been able to experience it on an equal footing with others